Guidelines & Toolkits
These guideline documents and toolkits encourage best practice in the planning and delivery of arts and health projects.
These guideline documents and toolkits encourage best practice in the planning and delivery of arts and health projects.
A Guide for Working in Intercultural Contexts has been produced by local authorities in Mayo, South Dublin and Donegal and is funded under the Arts Council's Invitation to Collaboration Scheme.
30 August, 2020
This guidance has been compiled in partnership between UK organisations the Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance, Arts Marketing Association, 64 Million Artists, and Real Ideas.
30 August, 2020
This publication is designed for healthcare professionals, artists and others who want to learn more about arts and health practice and may be at the early stages of planning an arts and health project.
5 November, 2019
In partnership with Trinity College Dublin, this evidence-based handbook by ReCreate attempts to provide insight from the literature on pedagogy and educational theory and offers practical guidance to teaching artists and teachers working with reuse materials in inclusive educational settings.
21 January, 2019
This handbook is a set of useful ideas and recommendations that come from a robust research project setting out some foundations for developing visual arts projects with and for people affected by dementia.
28 August, 2017
These guidelines are based on findings from a study which aimed to assess the research evidence around what works well for visually impaired people with dementia in terms of the design of their homes and the things in them.
16 April, 2015
A set of design principles for dementia-friendly environments in healthcare buildings.
1 April, 2015
National guidelines for the implementation of the Per Cent for Art Scheme.
6 August, 2014
Health Building Notes give best practice guidance on the design and planning of new healthcare buildings and on the adaptation/extension of existing facilities.
9 April, 2014
This toolkit provides a range of resources to help volunteer-involving arts organisations of all sizes to better engage and manage their volunteers.
1 April, 2014
This workbook is a resource for young people's organisations interested in delivering film projects.
3 March, 2014
The need for this publication was identified by Volunteer Now and Voluntary Arts Ireland through various pieces of research into volunteering in the arts sector in Northern Ireland.
24 September, 2012
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