This e-publication brings together a set of findings, recommendations, reflections and references informed by a podcast and workshop series held in 2022 that revisited the project Creative Enquiry: Arts and Older People.

The Creative Enquiry project explored new approaches to participation in the arts for and with older people through a series of artist residencies with Marie Brett, Helga Deasy, Susan McManamon, and Colette Lewis, and partnering organisations Cork Midsummer Festival, MusicAlive and SIRIUS, in collaboration with groups, individuals and organisations active in or representing the community.

What Next? is a tool for the arts sector based on practice-based learning from the artists and participants in the activities they developed. The findings explore attitudes to ageing, quality practice, what the arts can offer us as we age, what meaningful engagement looks like, and barriers to participation. The publication also includes recommendations for artists, organisations and funders.

Creative Enquiry: Arts and Older People was a collaboration between Cork City Council and Cork County Council Arts Offices, the Health Service Executive’s Cork Kerry Community Healthcare, Age & Opportunity, Cork Midsummer Festival, MusicAlive and SIRIUS, initiated by Cork City Council and funded by the Arts Council’s An Invitation to Collaboration Scheme. What Next? Arts and Ageing Resources is initiated by Cork City Council and funded by the Arts Council’s An Invitation to Collaboration Scheme.

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Cork City Council Arts Office


Community Health, Older people, Socially engaged practice

Dance, Music, Visual Art


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