FutureLearn is hosting a free online course on ‘Dementia and the Arts: Sharing Practice, Developing Understanding and Enhancing Lives’. Developed by University College London and Created Out of Mind, the course begins on 10 September 2018.

Drawing on the work of the Created Out of Mind project during its residency at the Wellcome Collection, this course will enrich your perceptions of the dementias and the diverse role of the arts in all our lives.

Over four weeks, the course will showcase current best practice, explain the limits of our current understanding, and set ambitious goals for enhancing the lives of anyone affected by the dementias.

The course will explore the following topics:

  • Changing Perceptions: Can the arts help us see the dementias differently, and can the dementias help us see the arts differently?
  • Our Lives as Moments: What does it mean to be in the moment, and how can it be understood, experienced and measured?
  • Creating Common Ground: The arts, equality and dementia
  • Language & Communication: How can we change the conversation?

Course registration: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/dementia-arts


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