Lonradh, a tailored art programme for individuals with dementia and their carers, will continue at Crawford Art Gallery in Cork until the end of 2013. The Lonradh programme involves groups of 6 – 8 people visiting the gallery to look at and discuss paintings, socialise over a cup of tea, with the option of also taking part in art-making activities.

Lonradh is specifically designed for individuals with dementia and their carer. Visits are facilitated by experienced, qualified education staff and the gallery is wheelchair accessible.

This programme is free of charge, all are welcome and no art experience is required, but booking is essential.

Visiting Times: First and last Wednesday of each month throughout 2013.

Venue: Crawford Art Gallery, Emmet Place, Cork

The Crawford Art Gallery will provide free parking directly in front of the gallery for all participants – courtesy of Cork City Council.

For booking and enquiries please contact: Emma 021-4907862 or email emmaklemencic@crawfordartgallery.ie

The Lonradh programme is named after a stained glass window in the gallery made by James Scanlon. The irish word ‘lonradh’ means to radiate / illuminate.


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